Our mission is to inspire young people and audiences to create community and build confidence – encouraging them through educational experiences in the performing arts.
On the outside we are a local non-‐profit organization whose mission is to inspire young people to create community and build confidence-‐encouraging them through educational experiences in the performing arts. On the inside, we are a small, but growing family of young artists from different parts of town, at different ages, with different backgrounds, building bridges, and finding community by creating art together.
Our vision for The Theater Bug is all about community, a place for young artists to grow up in. This is why we incorporate an all ages model into our programming. What we see at the Bug are the younger actors striving to be better because they look up to the older actors, and the older actors striving to be better because they are put in a position of being mentors. After several years, we are getting to see the kids who were our youngest members take on a leadership role as an older student, and older students who have stayed in the program through high school and college as interns, teacher’s assistants and have even instructed classes!
Our other defining quality is our choice of performance material. It is top priority that our students are doing theater that challenges them not only as actors, but as people. Theater that matters. We always tell our students that we are not a children’s theater company, we are a theater company where our actors happen to be children. Our young actors could give any professional a run for their money in heart, work ethic and skill. We are proud to present high quality shows with meaningful subject matter to our audiences. Each year we perform original material written specifically for our students that has addressed topics such as bullying, children with disabilities and children who have battled serious illness.
The Theater Bug offers year round affordable and sometimes free programming centered around the performing arts. We offer financial assistance for all programs and try to make sure that all children who wish to participate can, regardless of their financial situation. Throughout the year we offer two full-‐length original shows, a Shakespeare production, camps, specialty workshops, concerts, play writing, home school programming and the performance of an original piece written by our students. With interest growing faster than we can accommodate, it is our hope to find more opportunity for young people than ever!